O-Pickup by Owebia



O-Pickup is compatible with multiple map services.

Common Configuration

In STORES Configuration SALES Shipping Methods O-Pickup | Common Configuration

Choose the Map Service you want to use (see Map Service).

Choose the Geocoding Service you want to use (see Geocoding Service).

Enable Activate "My Position" link if you want to display a link that will center the map on user location.

Enable Activate pick-up points refresh if you want to refresh pick-up points when the map center changes.
You can customize the Timeout for pick-up points refresh (in ms) and the Distance for pick-up points refresh (in meters) that will trigger the refresh.

Enable Combine pick-up methods if you want to combine all pick-up methods in one on the frontend.
You can customize the Carrier Title for combined pick-up method and the Method Title for combined pick-up method.

Map Service

O-Pickup is compatible with multiple map services.

Go to STORES Configuration SALES Shipping Methods O-Pickup | Common Configuration by Owebia

Open Street Map

In O-Pickup | Common Configuration by Owebia

Set Map Service to Leaflet (Open Street Map by default)

Google Maps API (API key required)

To use Google Maps API, you must first create an API Key for your website.
If you don't have one, click on the link Create an API Key below the field Google API Key.

In O-Pickup | Common Configuration by Owebia

Set Map Service to Google Maps API

Fill your API Key in the field Google API Key.

Mapbox (access token required)

To use Mapbox, you must first create an account on mapbox.com.

In O-Pickup | Common Configuration by Owebia

Set Map Service to Leaflet (Open Street Map by default)

Set Leaflet Tiles URL to //api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.streets/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=XXX, replacing XXX with your access own token.

Geocoding Service

O-Pickup is compatible with multiple geocoding services.

Go to STORES Configuration SALES Shipping Methods O-Pickup | Common Configuration by Owebia

Nominatim (Open Street Map)

In O-Pickup | Common Configuration by Owebia

Set Geocoding Service to Nominatim (Open Street Map)

Google Geocoding API (API key required)

To use Google Geocoding API, you must first create an API Key for your website.
If you don't have one, click on the link Create an API Key below the field Google API Key.

In O-Pickup | Common Configuration by Owebia

Set Geocoding Service to Google Geocoding API

Fill your API Key in the field Google API Key.

Chronopost (require module « O-Pickup | Chronopost »)

Go to STORES Configuration SALES Shipping Methods O-Pickup | Chronopost

Carrier Configuration

In O-Pickup | Chronopost by Owebia

Chronopost Account

In O-Pickup | Chronopost by Owebia Chronopost Account

Set your Account Number, your Sub-Account Number (optional) and your Account Password.

Chronopost Labels (beta)

In O-Pickup | Chronopost by Owebia Chronopost Labels

Fill Shipper Informations.

Fill Customer Informations (that is Chronopost customer).

Chrono Relais

In O-Pickup | Chronopost by Owebia Chrono Relais

Colissimo (require module « O-Pickup | Colissimo »)

Go to STORES Configuration SALES Shipping Methods O-Pickup | Colissimo by Owebia

Carrier Configuration

In O-Pickup | Colissimo by Owebia

Colissimo Account

In O-Pickup | Colissimo by Owebia Colissimo Account

Set your Account Number, your Sub-Account Number (optional) and your Account Password.

En relais Pickup ou en consigne Pickup Station

In O-Pickup | Colissimo by Owebia En relais Pickup ou en consigne Pickup Station

DPD (require module « O-Pickup | DPD »)

Go to STORES Configuration SALES Shipping Methods O-Pickup | DPD by Owebia

Carrier Configuration

In O-Pickup | DPD by Owebia

Set Enabled to Yes to enable the carrier.

DPD Relais

In O-Pickup | DPD by Owebia DPD Relais

Mondial Relay (require module « O-Pickup | Mondial Relay »)

Go to STORES Configuration SALES Shipping Methods O-Pickup | Mondial Relay

Carrier Configuration

In O-Pickup | Mondial Relay by Owebia

Set Enabled to Yes to enable the carrier.

Point Relais®

In O-Pickup | Mondial Relay by Owebia Point Relais®